
Highest quality standards –

Would we be allowed to go to mars without them?



Rauschert, a globally leading producer of technical ceramics, plastic components and functional components, has set the accomplishment of its customers’ requests and satisfaction as the highest quality goals. Right behind the safety of our employees, the quality of our products and processes hat the number one priority.

All employees are held responsible for observing the legal safety standards, the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN ISO 14001 (environmental management), DIN EN ISO 50001 (energy management) as well as the code of conduct. Certificates to the respective scope can be found below.



Rauschert has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 for the first time in 1993.
It is the globally recognized and most widely used standard for quality management. It sets the minimum requirements for a quality management system that companies must comply with in order to meet the expectations of internal and external stakeholders (such as employees, customers, government agencies).
An essential principle of DIN EN ISO 9001 is the process-oriented approach. A process-oriented quality management system accompanies and documents all essential operational processes and puts them to the test.

Rauschert is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 at all its locations.

DIN EN ISO 50001

The aim of an energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001 is the continuous improvement of the energy-related performance of a company. The standard describes the requirements for a company to introduce, operate and continuously optimize an energy management system. If this systematic approach is implemented, a company improves its energy-related performance, increases its energy efficiency and at the same time optimizes its energy use.
For this reason, Rauschert is certified according to DIN EN ISO 50001 at its German locations since 2012.

DIN EN ISO 14001

The environmental management standard DIN EN ISO 14001 sets globally recognized requirements for our environmental management system. The focus of the standard is the establishment of a continual improvement process. This enables companies and organizations of all sizes to combine their profitability and their environmental protection both at the company and product level.
Parts of the DIN EN ISO 14001 are alreday covered by the DIN ISO EN 50001. However, the DIN EN ISO 14001 is to be extended to other Rauschert locations.

GKV Code of conduct

The GKV Code of Conduct integrates compliance requirements as well as ethical and social principles. These include, among other things, fundamental rules against corruption and antitrust violations, but also international standards such as the UN Charter on Human Rights and recognized ethical principles.

Training company

The education of young people is very important to Rauschert. In order to be well prepared for the future, we take the training of competent personnel into our own hands. This enables us to ensure that our employees internalize the corporate culture of Rauschert at an early age.

In 2015, one of our trainees was named “Germany’s Best”.

CSR - compliance

Expectations in the market are high. Regardless of the sector or number of employees, companies should commit to acting responsibly, to their employees as well as to the environment. This commitment should be substantiated by transparent assessment and consideration of the individual sustainability aspects.

Rauschert faces his social responsibility.

You want ot know more about Rauschert and its certifications?

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