
“ZeroLiKh” funded project: Optimized wastewater treatment through membrane filtration

In June, our research and development team from Veilsdorf and other project partners came together in Jena to push ahead with the “ZeroLiKh” funded project.

“ZeroLiKh” is dedicated to investigating the Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) approach in a hospital. The aim is to purify wastewater for reuse through coarse filtration, membrane separation and oxidative processes in order to conserve resources. At the same time, fresh water supply and wastewater discharges can be reduced and the environment sustainably relieved. The practical implementation is being tested at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Jena University Hospital (UKJ). One focus is on treating wastewater with high concentrations of pollutants. These are caused in particular by pharmaceutical residues.

Rauschert is developing and optimizing special ceramic membranes for this purpose and carrying out extensive laboratory tests. Positive project results also make it conceivable to use ZLD approaches in industry and in households.

Click here for the ZeroLiKh project scheme.